Software Engineer Intern at Crafter,Inc

Crafter,Inc is hiring a Software Engineer Intern.

Crafter,Inc is hiring a Software Engineer Intern. Interested Candidates can go through the details and apply using the link provided at the bottom of the Post.

Table Of Contents

Company Name Crafter,Inc
Job Role Software Engineer Intern
Location Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Job Type Hybrid
Experience Fresher
Qualifications Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science
Batch Not Mentioned
Package Not Mentioned
Crafter,Inc is hiring a Software Engineer Intern

Disclaimer: Salary ranges are estimated based on publicly available sources like Glassdoor and Ambitionbox. Actual salary offers may vary based on factors such as candidate qualifications, experience, and negotiation. Job Openings listed here are sourced from platforms like LinkedIn and other such job boards. We aren’t affiliated with any specific platform or company mentioned. Candidates should verify details independently before applying.

Company Description

Crafter, Inc is a US and India-based SaaS start-up company that offers a suite of apps for teams in the entertainment industry. Our proprietary product helps increase collaboration, communication, and organizational agility, making it easier for teams to perform different business tasks such as casting calls, auditions, call sheets, contracts, and payments.

Key Responsibilities

As a Software Engineer Intern, you will be responsible for assisting with back-end web development, software development, and programming tasks. You will be working closely with the development team to build and maintain suite of apps for the entertainment industry.


  • Computer Science and Software Development skills
  • Experience in back-end web development
  • Strong programming skills
  • Knowledge of object-oriented programming (OOP)
  • Excellent problem-solving and troubleshooting abilities
  • Ability to work well in a team environment
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills
  • Experience with agile development methodologies is a plus
  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science or related field is preferred

Skills Required

  • Algorithms
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • Computer Science
  • Data Structures
  • HTML
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Python (Programming Language)
  • Software Development
  • Machine Learning
  • Programming

How to Apply ?

All interested and eligible candidates can apply for the post of Software Engineer Intern at Crafter,Inc online by the following link.

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